IT 711 : History of Italian Art


Department of Italian Language

Academic Program

Bachelor in Italian Language






IT 605


A subject that studies the history of the development of artistic work in all its forms. We shed light on international and famous works in the world and Italy, while knowing the most famous works, the most famous painters and sculptors in Italy, and the most famous international artistic movements.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of the 14th week, the student should be able to: Complete knowledge of the history of art, the most important paintings and famous works of art, and the distinction between non-natural art and natural art.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Theoretical lectures
  • Periodic assignments where the student writes and reviews at home.
  • Exercises and tests

Methods of assessments

  • Duties/activities 10
  • Written exam 30
  • Final exam 60
  • Total 100

The Basic sources and References of the Course

A summary note from a collection of books on the history of art in Italy